
Thursday 6 September 2012

Ferrari 599 SA Aperta

This is the Ferrari 599 SA Aperta, the drop-top roadster edition of the 599. Want one? Challenging. Even before it creates its community first overall look next weeks time in London, Ferrari's already marketed every one of them.

Ferrari's contacting this unique sports convertible — a 599-based roadster presenting the 6.0-liter V12 from the GTO and a "light soft-top" — the "most unique Ferrari ever." That's likely real given just 80 models of the new design, developed as a honor to design home Pininfarina, on its Eightieth birthday this season, will be designed. Unfortunately, according to Ferrari, all 80 have been marketed.

Blame the SA Aperta's overall look at a personal watching at the latest Marbled Seaside Concours in Florida — where Jalopnik visitors saw it in individual — for the pre-sale of every example of the new parading stallion.

What's that you say? How can Ferrari contact this the most unique Ferrari ever? Well, they're referring to development Ferraris developed on the market to the community.

How they'll contact it "for purchase to the common public?" Really, that's a better query.

Anyway... so what will those 80 entrepreneurs get that the relax of us will never even get to see after each car is properly mothballed, loaded in percolate record and gingerly carted up to the basement where it'll never see the mild of day again? They'll get a lower-slung windshield that's been stiffened and shorn of fat to create sure bodyweight distinction between this and the hard-top 599 is near to equivalent.

They'll also get a "quick-remove...light soft-top" developed for little to no use while generating. Under the cover, they'll discover that V12 website defeating at a amazing 661 bhp (don't ask for a transformation, it's early) and 475 lb-ft of twisting website in all its aural wonder. Anticipate performance figures to be just like the GTO — a car that, as Ferrari's quickest street car ever, goes from 0 to 62 MPH in a blisteringly fast 3.35 a few moments.


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